Transparent Orange HomeScreen v1.10 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Unsigned modded and repacked Symbian S60 v5 [i8910HD / 5800 / N97] Apps
Just try only 1 sis file Transparent Orange Hs v1.10.sis attached below...
Enables Transparency for your Orange HomeScreen as in the name
Go to... is renamed to Options & Add bk to Contacts
Installation Instructions:
Uninstall everything regarding this Orange HomeScreen
Restart your Phone
Install Transparent Orange Hs v1.10.sis & restart[only if u have any bugs]
Those Who are getting Update error with Transparent Orange Hs v1.10.sis then try Transparent Orange Hs v1.20.sis... I've removed 00000000.reg & 00000000_0000.ctl from C:\sys\install\sisregistry\1028315f\ in Transparent Orange Hs v1.20.sis....
So no more Update Errors...